Lesson 5: Evaluate your brand


Ok, let’s apply what we’ve learned about how to build a successful brand through doing a guided evaluation of your brand.

We’ll start by digging into what makes your company special and then we’ll evaluate your current brand presence online. This evaluation will be a valuable asset for building your brand, so take all the time you need and enjoy the process.

Brand evaluation resources

Before you begin, here are some resources that might come in handy as you brainstorm the key aspects of your brand.

Step 1: Identify core aspects of your brand

To get started, we’ve created a worksheet to help you identify key aspects of your brand. (Psst, this worksheet is a must if you want to take advantage of all the good things Courses 2 through 4 have to offer).

Remember, this is your business. Even if you haven’t thought about your business using terms like your mission statement, you know the answers, because you know your business best! Find a cozy place to work, grab your favorite beverage, and take your time filling out the worksheet below.

Defining your brand worksheet | GoDaddy
Use this helpful worksheet to gain key insights into your brand. Remember, you’ll need this to get the most out of Courses 2-4!

Step 2: Evaluate your current brand presence

Now that you’ve identified the core pieces of your brand, it’s important to understand this: You are already communicating your brand to current and potential customers through every touchpoint you have, including through your website.

Look at what information is included in your current online presence. Does it share a message that you want to intentionally communicate with your customers? Does your current website communicate the core pieces of your brand?

To evaluate your current online presence, take a close look at your company website and go through the checklist below. (If you don’t have a website, yet, you can evaluate other online profiles like your company’s social media). As you go through each item, take notes on what your current messaging does well and where it needs to improve.

These notes will come in handy later. And, be kind to yourself. Celebrate the things your website does well, and be excited when you find an area where you can grow–it’s another opportunity to make your brand even better.